Friday, August 29, 2008

18 Miler behind me

With my trip to China coming up, I had to make some updates on the running schedule this week.

I decided to do two 4 milers on Monday and Tuesday (although I ran the 12 on Saturday and a 4.67 on Sunday)..  Took Wednesday off and then set off to do my 18 miler on Thursday.

The run took me through Prospect Park,down Ocean Parkway to Coney Island.. From there I jumped onto Neptune avenue and then up to the path next to the Belt Parkway..  Took that underneath the Verrazano Bridge and up to 68th street where I ran to 4th avenue up to 6th street when a lower leg cramp got the best of me.

total run 18.40 miles.   Total time 2:44.  AHR was tricky because my cheap Reebox watch gave out for a little while but I have to imagine somewhere in the 155 range.

Was a nice run. Splits were decent (1:18.45 for the first 9 and 1:20:15 for the second 9).   It wasn't terribly hot or humid but the clear blue sky did not leave me much protection against the sun.   I also got some nasty arm chafing but i'm sure that will be discussed on TakeOnRighetti.  

I'll try to post the course from later today.

thanks for all the support guys

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Put another one in the books

12 miler this morning, continuing my theme of running while exploring Brooklyn.   Started off down 6th avenue to the and around the cemetary, down to 18th Avenue and then up Ocean Parkway.  Did a half loop (east part) of Prospect Park and then up Easterern Parkway past the Museum.  Down Washington Avenue to Flatbush and then back up the west side of the park

12 miles total.. 1:48.22 with an AHR of 152..

beautiful day to run..

rest of the week involved doing 5 miles twice and 4 miles once (all on the treadmill which I'm not thrilled about)
I'll finish this week with a short 4 miler tomorrow and get ready for next week which will be a real challenge
as we tackle 18 miles and then off to China

Monday, August 18, 2008

15 miler

So i got the 15 miler out of the way Friday Morning. Did it in 2:16 and had a chance to basically see all of Brooklyn which was awesome. 

Went out from my apt and headed south on 4th avenue till 86th street.  Took 86th street over past the golf course and then onto the promenade.   Down around and under the Verrazono bridge and then up to 68th street where I came back up 5th avenue upto Union street and then home.

splits weren't great

but I was happy with them anyway.

finished the week with a 3.3 miler in CT yesterday and ready to start a new week today

Weather was not perfect cause it was so humid but

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

getting ready for the 15 miler this week

in preparation for the 15 miler this Friday, i've gotten three runs in this week
4 miles on the treadmill on both Monday and Wednesday and 4.67 miles early Tuesday morning.

Will take tomorrow off and get ready for 15 miles on Friday morning. Not sure about the route yet, right now i'm either going to go into the city (to about 23rd street) or otherwise to Coney Island and back..

Friday, August 8, 2008

So got the 10 miler out of the way today after work cause it sounds like it'll be a hectic weekend and frankly wanted to get my drink on tonight..

Didn't follow a specific laid out course but did get 1.5 laps of prospect park in and then ran the streets till my Garmin watch read 10.0 miles.. Total time: 1:30.08 with a 148 ahr.. Will finish the week with a 4 miler tomorrow.

The week looked like this
4 miles on the treadmill on Tuesday. 34 minutes
4.67 Prospect park loop early 1ednesday and Thursday morning and the 10 miler on Friday.. Roughly 23 miles in 4 days is not bad..

this was the route

ahr was 148

Next week we hit 15 miles.. Looks like Friday for that one too

Thanks for all the support guys
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Couple of short runs in preparation for the 10 milers this week

This week schedule goes

Monday off
Tuesday 4
Wednesday 5
Thursday 4
Friday off
Saturday 10
Sunday 4
--total 27 miles

Got a couple of short runs out of the way this week
4 miles on Tuesday on the Treadmill during work.. 34 minutes
4.67 miles through Prospect Park this morning early 42 minutes (humid as all hell)
will run tomorrow in the morning I think to get enough miles in for the three mid-week-days and then off to a 10 milers (probably on Friday Night after work in Central Park).

Not ideal but we have guest all weekend and a Party Friday Night which will mean that I'm better off running before hand and enjoying the parties (allbeit a bit tired) than trying to stay sober..

keep you guys up to date

Saturday, August 2, 2008

13 mile long run

I can now say that the training has started, as I went over 10 miles the first time in a non-race sitatuion since the 2007 Marathon.

weather is 82 degrees (which is good), humidity felt like 90% (was actually a lot lower after I checked but the best part about the weekend is that the long run is over.

Decided on a variation on a run I completed often last year.

Left Park Slope, up over the Brooklyn Bridge, down into China Town to the FDR, followed the running path up to the ramp for Houston street and then cut across on Houston, waved at Zeke and Megan's apartment and then continued on the the West Side HWY. Ran the West Side Highway to Battery Park, then across again, over the bridge, through Boerum Hill and back to Parkslope

total run: 13.08 miles
total time: 1:59.08
AHR: 154
averaged an 8:58 minute mile
splits were a bit off
first 6.50 in 58.48
last 6.58 in 1:00.20 but I did have to stop at a deli downtown to get a gatorade which added at least a minute to my time, (not to mention added aggrevation to the poor guy working the counter as I handed him to soaking wet singles and then ran off.)
My first thought I had when I hit the halfway point was How the heck am I gonna get through four of these in November???, I definitely did not feel like this was a very easy run, but I guess no long run ever is easy. Especially if the humidity feels as bad as it did today.

Did suffer what can be described as the first injury of the long runs.. MAJOR nipple chaffing.. Will have to figure something out to avoid that..

some notes for the next run
1) i really should have some food in my stomach for these longer runs, I start to lose energy too quickly and feel hungry throughout
2) the utility water belt I have it terrible, those bottles feel like they are bouncing up and down, I can't seem to figure out if it is supposed to sit at my hips or a bit higher because at my hips it bounces like crazy, especially the two bottles on the back
3) need to get a new heart-rate watch, this Reebok one just doesn't give me a realistic number if i get over a certain heart rate
4) might want to consider slowing down a bit for the next run, try to keep the AHR under 145 like i was doing last summer, makes for a much more comfortable run although obviously quite a bit slower

did two 4 mile runs on the treadmills this week along with the one 4.67 Prospect Park run.
1 recovery run tomorrow of about 2.5 miles and then we can put week 5 in the books.