Saturday, August 23, 2008

Put another one in the books

12 miler this morning, continuing my theme of running while exploring Brooklyn.   Started off down 6th avenue to the and around the cemetary, down to 18th Avenue and then up Ocean Parkway.  Did a half loop (east part) of Prospect Park and then up Easterern Parkway past the Museum.  Down Washington Avenue to Flatbush and then back up the west side of the park

12 miles total.. 1:48.22 with an AHR of 152..

beautiful day to run..

rest of the week involved doing 5 miles twice and 4 miles once (all on the treadmill which I'm not thrilled about)
I'll finish this week with a short 4 miler tomorrow and get ready for next week which will be a real challenge
as we tackle 18 miles and then off to China

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